The purpose of the Legacy Fund is to sustain the KVI ministry by supporting the ongoing operations of our intermediaries and their teams, who are essential for KVI’s work in Eastern Europe, covering operational costs and expenses incurred with leadership training events in countries where Christianity is not the predominant faith. The KVI Legacy Fund is being held by Abundance Canada, a faith-based public foundation registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Donations may be made to Abundance Canada by cheque through the mail, or via Bill Payment (see below for instructions). Abundance Canada can also receive donations for KVI in stocks, mutual funds, life insurance policies, estate gifts and wills. For specific information or transaction procedures, please go to or call Harold Penner at 1-800-772-3257.
KVI is dedicated to developing young national leaders who can organize and operate church-based camps. These camps aim to evangelize youth, teach them to love God wholeheartedly, and equip them to become ambassadors for Jesus Christ. Conferences, seminars, and practical training events, attended by up to 3,000 students annually, are held throughout Eastern Europe. A donation of $250 will send one student to a training event or help make the registration fee affordable for three students.
KVI has published resources for camp leadership development in seven languages. These include Bible studies, camp staff manuals, books for counselors, program leaders, sports instructors, and camp directors. These resources are indispensable for the training process. We publish both in print and electronically, including electronic courses that partly replace manuals. Generous donations are needed to support our publishing efforts.
Amidst the war Russia is waging on Ukraine, God is still raising thousands of camp leaders to run Christian camps. These camps show God's love to children and youth traumatized by the war. KVI is committed to providing assistance to camps, making it possible for campers whose parents cannot afford registration fees to attend (many of whom are internally displaced persons). Besides, we support camps in need of food and fuel to run their programs. The cost is approximately $130 per camper per week.
If you wish to mail in your donations for Kingdom Ventures Inc., please make cheques payable to: Abundance Canada W1125G, 2‑440 Dovercourt Drive, Winnipeg MB R3Y 1G4.
Make sure you write the KVI fund number W1125G in the memo line.
Ensure your name and address is clearly marked on the cheque.
If you are using Abundance Canada services for the first time, please include a contact telephone number.
Mail to:
Abundance Canada W1125G
2‑440 Dovercourt Drive
Winnipeg, MB
R3Y 1G4
Bill Pay Giving is simple to set up and works in the same way as if you were setting up a bill payment for a vendor (credit card, phone bill, utilities etc.). In order to donate via Bill Pay Giving please follow these instructions:
1. Log into your account through your bank/credit union's website or phone app.
2. Go to the bill payment section of your account.
3. Choose to add a new bill payee.
4. Search for Abundance Canada.
5. Enter your Gifting Fund (TM) number (sometimes it is called Payee Account). For donations to the KVI fund enter W1125G
6. Enter the donation amount.
7. You will have the option to make a one-time donation or set-up a recurring donation.
When you send us a Bill Payee donation, what we can see is:
e.g. 24/07/11 W1125G John Smith 012345 1,000.00
Therefore (and this is very important): once your donation has been sent, please, send an email to to notify us of your gift. In that email include:
1. Your name;
2. Your mailing address;
3. Your donation amount.
After your donation is processed and your contact details are confirmed, a charitable receipt will be issued and mailed to you for donations that are $25 and above.
If you have any questions concerning making a gift via Bill Payment, you may contact an Abundance Canada representative who will gladly assist you. They are available by phone at 1-800-772-3257 or by email by going to their website at and clicking the CONTACT button.
Donation Policy: Spending of funds is confined to KVI Board approved projects. Gifts designated towards approved projects are used as designated with the understanding that when the need for a project has been met, or the project cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, designated gifts will be used where needed most. Gifts are acknowledged with a receipt for income tax (Canada).
We encourage you to make your gifts directly via Abundance Canada W1125G.
However you can Donate with PayPal button, too.
Use your credit card to donate securely through this website. Gifts are acknowledged with a receipt for income tax (Canada).
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